Why do the scars left after burning burns gradually accumulate?
Burn scars are products of tissue damage caused by high temperatures, chemicals, electricity or strong heat radiation. It is a tissue that does not have normal skin tissue structure and physiological functions, which not only damages the appearance, but also hinders the physiological functions of adjacent tissues or organs.
Different types of scars will be formed due to different factors such as the degree of burns, the location and personal physique. Among them, the most common is hypertrophic scar, if not treated in time, the scar will continue to proliferate, accompanied by contracture, affecting daily activities.
The reason why the scar grows is because the skin is severely damaged by the second degree burn, the dermis and subcutaneous tissue are seriously damaged, the fibroblasts accumulate and proliferate, and the collagen fibers, cells, and matrix are deposited and disorderly arranged, leaving scars! Deep second degree burns generally have large wounds and deep wounds. The whole layer of the skin is damaged. The scar tissue will accumulate hyperplasia in order to effectively heal the wound, which will cause hypertrophic scars.
Scar is different from normal skin, there are no skin appendages such as sebaceous glands and pores, and there is no elastic fiber in scar tissue, but the capillary is densely distributed. Therefore, the clinical burn scar will show the surface of the skin, the texture is hard, the surface is bright red, itching. Such as clinical symptoms, it is easy to bring a lot of inconvenience to the life of patients with burns.
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