What are the hazards of scars on the human body?
When your skin has scars, don't ignore it, because it not only has a bad effect on your appearance, but also may cause many complications. Let us know what harm the scar has to the human body!
What are the hazards of scars on the human body?
According to Kelly Scars experts, many people only know that scars will affect the beauty of the individual. Therefore, many people will ignore the scars that can be covered. In fact, scars are harmful to the human body, especially children's joint scars will affect development. Scars should be treated in time to regular hospitals.
1. The production of scars is first of all a trauma to the body. The scars often have an itching sensation. Inflammation, sweating, and painful and itchy at the scars of rainy days often reach an unbearable level, causing patients to suffer;
2, chronic ulceration after the local ulceration, the long-term existence of chronic ulcers will be transformed into keloid and scar cancer threatening human life and health;
3, scars will affect the function of the nervous system, resulting in limb atrophy, slow response, soreness, etc.;
4, scars will affect the function of the corresponding functional organs, such as lower eye scars will cause the lower eyelids to eversion, the eyes will dry, tears, pain, etc., will lead to blindness over time. In some growing children, the contracture scars in the joints will restrain the child's growth and development, affect the joint function and the child's height, and have a profound impact on the child's life.
4-stage ecological therapy for scar repair:
1. Anti-convulsive period: promote wound healing, provide necessary repair of nutrients, reduce skin tension, relieve itching, and inhibit scar formation;
2, activation period: through the instrument, physics, pharmacology, psychology, diet to activate skin immunity, regeneration system;
3, repair period: the hypertrophic scar decomposes scar tissue fiber cells, depressed scar promotes collagen tissue regeneration, pigment scar decomposes epidermal pigment, relinks collagen and self-repair scar through normal skin of scar edge;
4, the consolidation period: after the completion of the repair, according to the scar site, the formation of reasons to assist the physical, pharmacological, therapeutic treatment of the repair site to reduce the prevention of scar rebound recurrence!