Prevention and treatment of scar hyperplasia after burn
The most common scar hyperplasia problem in burn surgery is a headache for doctors and patients. Fibrous scar hyperplasia is an urgent problem that needs to be solved in the world of burns. Over-scarring hyperplasia can lead to joint stiffness, loss of motor function, and activity. Restricted, ugly appearance, etc., if the treatment of scars has been formed, there is currently no suburban and thorough approach, and it is particularly important to actively prevent and alleviate the proliferation of scars. Under normal circumstances, the patient's fresh wounds gradually heal after the skin grafting operation. At this time, the fibrous scar tissue begins to grow. At this time, the doctor will ask the patient to wear a medical rehabilitation elastic sleeve with appropriate pressure, softness and comfort. It can inhibit excessive excessive growth of fibrous tissue and maintain the smoothness of fresh healing wounds. It takes more than 6 months or even several years to wear medical rehabilitation elastic sleeves depending on the patient's wound area and degree of proliferation.
Keloid principle
Recent studies have shown that elastic compression should be used in the early stages of scar formation. Different elastic sleeves can be used for different scars, such as elastic masks, mandibular sleeves, upper limb sleeves, and elastic gloves. The pressurization method should be carried out for 6 months to 1 year until the scar is completely flattened, softened, and the color turns white.
Elastic sleeves can be used to prevent and control excessive hyperplasia of scar tissue. The elastic sleeve simulates the physical parameters of the epidermis and dermis, and produces a constant and balanced moderate pressure at the wound repair site, resulting in a decrease in local blood supply to the scar site and a decrease in collagen fiber synthesis; the pressure on the body surface enables the collagen fibers to be flat and striped. However, the growth of the ground, in the end, gives the patient a satisfactory healing.
Tailored service
The posture of the United States medical elastic sleeve from head to toe style specifications, can be freely combined, to provide personalized tailor-made, especially for children burns, special obese people, to meet everyone's personalized special purposes.