Does facial liposuction leave scars?
In the outpatient clinic, there are often consultations with beauty seekers: Where is the incision for facial liposuction? Will there be scars? Today, we will talk about the problem of facial liposuction.
First, will facial liposuction leave scars?
Wondering if there will be scars, you must first understand where the doctor will choose the incision when facial liposuction? What are the surgical procedures for facial liposuction?
2, where is the incision for facial liposuction?
When facial liposuction, doctors often use small hidden 2 ~ 3mm incisions. The suction position varies with the suction range: if the face is sucked, the hidden part of the earlobe sulcus will be selected; for the double chin, the skin folds under the earlobe and under the chin will be selected. In short, all incisions are arranged in hidden places as much as possible, so that even the closest ones may not be found. Of course, not all doctors can place the incision in the most hidden place, because some incisions are too concealed, which will cause the doctor to be uncomfortable when liposuction. At this time, the professionalism and operation skills of the doctor will be tested .
Is there a scar after facial liposuction?
几乎 There are almost no scars after facial liposuction. The needle is usually only 1 mm in the temporal region, in front of the tragus, or behind the ear lobe groove, and there is almost no trace after the wound heals. The double-chin liposuction needle is located under the chin, and there is almost no trace after recovery. The postoperative wound does not need sutures, and there is almost no trace after healing. Due to the high technical requirements of scarless incisions, not all doctors can do it, so you must choose a regular professional plastic surgery hospital, and choose an experienced physician for facial liposuction.
24. Will the facial rebound after liposuction?
Facial liposuction hardly rebounds: First, during facial liposuction, the needle tube will pass through the fat cell layer many times. After passing through the plastic surgery, the scar is organized and a solid omentum is formed between the layers of fat cells. Even if obese, the volume of fat cells is also limited, so it will not rebound after liposuction. Second, from a medical point of view, the number of fat cells will increase until childhood and will not change, after which the fat cells will remain at a fixed number. Obesity is caused by an increase in the size of the fat cells themselves. Therefore, after facial liposuction reduces fat cells, even if the fat cells are doubled, obesity at the surgical site will not be obvious.
V. What do I need to pay attention to after facial liposuction?
1. There must be a certain amount of liquid exudation in the wound just after the operation, which will soak the dressing, so you must be diligent after the operation, and change the dressing in time to ensure that the wound is clean and dry.
2, there will generally be some swelling and congestion after surgery. If it is not serious, it can not be treated. If the situation is serious, you must go to the hospital in time to treat the wound with the help of a doctor.
3. It is normal for the face to become numb or stiff, rather than the occurrence of facial paralysis, so don't worry about it.
4. Be sure not to overeating after surgery, not to stand still, be sure to improve your eating habits, eat more fruits and vegetables, add water and protein, and strengthen physical exercise to better maintain The effect of facial liposuction.
Reminder: Although facial liposuction is a small plastic surgery, improper operation can cause great harm. Therefore, you must choose a suitable formal plastic medical institution and choose a professional doctor to ensure the safety of the operation and the postoperative effect.