How to deal with burns correctly!
Burns are not uncommon in our daily production, life and work. Proper self-help when a disaster occurs can enable us to minimize injuries and even avoid large-scale severe burns. The following briefly tells you from a professional point of view how to properly deal with burns.
First of all, first aid on the spot after a burn. Quickly terminate the heat source and cause injuries, escape from the fire as quickly as possible, and don't miss the precious time for escape due to the rescue of property losses. Calmly identify the direction of escape when you escape, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel or handkerchief, bend down or crawl forward and quickly escape to the upper wind to avoid the fireworks. When you are on fire, you should not run with fire or shout loudly, immediately remove clothing, roll on the spot or jump into the water, cover the fire with non-combustible materials, etc. For small and medium-sized burns, the wound can be rinsed with clean cold water for half an hour first. Do not apply colored objects to avoid affecting the judgment of the injury.
It should be noted that for large and deep burn wounds, treatment with cold water may aggravate the systemic reaction, and should be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. When transferring, simply wrap the body with clean linen and clothing, pay attention to protect the injured area and maintain the airway.
The depth of burn determines the prognosis. In-depth classification: Ⅰ degree burns: The epidermis is erythematous, dry, and burning, and desquamated within 3 to 7 days without leaving scars. Ⅱ degree burns: divided into shallow Ⅱ degree and deep pain, usually recoverable within 2 weeks, without scarring, and may have pigmentation. Deep second-degree burns: the blisters are small and flat, feel a little dull, the wound is light red or red and white, there is little exudation, and the swelling is obvious. It usually heals in 3 to 4 weeks, leaving scars. There is no blisters in third-degree burns, and the wound surface is white or brown, even charring, and the feeling disappears. It is often difficult to heal itself, and skin grafting is required.
Large areas of severe burn patients are always at risk of life and need to survive the difficulties of inhalation injury, shock, infection, internal organ failure. Although the current success rate of domestic treatment is relatively high, treatment difficulties are still relatively large, mainly reflected in the high requirements for medical equipment, the high cost of treatment, and subsequent treatment after a long burn.
Finally, anti-scarring treatment after deep burn healing. Early dip bath, functional exercise and rehabilitation treatment can better prevent tendon contracture and muscle atrophy. In the early stage of burns, continuous compression, external use of silicone film, combined with Zi Limei elastic sleeve pressure can be used. In the late stage, scar deformities and contractures cause disfigurement, teratogenesis, and disability, and require multiple plastic surgery repairs. For the scars with obvious bulge, local injections of hormones and other drugs can also be considered, surgical resection, or even combined with accelerator radiation therapy. @姿力美弹力套 Telephone: 400-665-6698