Popular science|When the humerus is shaped, will it leave scars!
It is believed that everyone is familiar with plastic surgery. This is also an orthopedic surgery that many oriental women prefer. When talking about surgery, beauty lovers will worry about scars after surgery.
Is the scar after tibiofibular surgery obvious?
Although tibial grinding is not a complicated operation in plastic surgery, many people in the United States are very worried about whether the surgical incision of the tibial grinding will leave scars. In fact, this is completely absent. It is necessary to worry, because the surgical incision of the tibial grinding is not opened on the outside of the cheek but in the mouth, even if the surgical incision in the postoperative recovery period is not obvious, and this surgical incision will change over time. It will slowly disappear.
In addition to the above-mentioned knowledge of some tibial grinding, the subject also needs to pay special attention to the selection of plastic surgeons and plastic surgery hospitals. Although the operation process is very simple, the operation procedure is to the plastic surgeon. The surgical technique is very demanding because the face is a densely distributed part of the nerves and blood vessels, so the fine operation of the plastic surgeon is very safe for the surgeon's surgical safety.
Precautions for postoperative humeral reduction:
1. Ensure that the surgical site is clean and prevent infection. If there is blood or secretion on the wound, wipe it with sterile saline.
2, within 15 days after the operation of the tibial plastic surgery, try to avoid water on the surgical site and keep the skin dry, because the skin is moist to promote bacterial growth.
3, after the operation can be applied to the local wound pressure bandage or cold pack, but the pressure should not be large, so as not to damage the surgical site. Once bleeding occurs and severe hematoma occurs, you should go to the hospital for a timely visit;
4, after the humerus plastic surgery should have a quiet and comfortable environment to recuperate, raise the bed slightly while resting. Avoid weight bearing and increase wound swelling.
5, the wound will have some pain after surgery, but will gradually reduce over time. Patients should not rush to eat pain tablets, because aspirin drugs will increase wound bleeding.
6, avoid eating irritating foods such as peppers, eat more fiber protein diet, can shorten the recovery time of wounds.
7. Strictly follow the doctor's medication and return visit, so that the doctor can better understand the situation. If there is any problem, you can make adjustments at any time.